WebFMC is a X-Plane plugin that makes it possible to access the CDU of select airplanes via any modern web browser running on virtually any device (phone, tablet, smart TV...) in your local network.
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The Cessna Citation X is an American business jet produced by Cessna that made its maiden flight in 1993. The Citation X was the first aircraft from Cessna to use a Rolls-Royce engine and fully integrated avionics.
With FlyInside, you can slip on a VR headset and feel as though you are truly flying your favorite plane. While you can still play the game in the desktop version, the best flying experience comes from the full immersion using a VR motion controller and headset.
Choose from dozens of different aircraft options, over 100 maps that represent historical battles, full-scale combat missions, and intense player vs player experiences with gamers from all over the world.
With that said, there are some other costs outside of the game alone that aviation enthusiasts opt to purchase to provide more realism while gaming. These devices include things like joysticks, virtual reality headsets, and home-built cockpits.
A host of sophisticated proprietary technologies like WingXRewind, FlightShare, SmartTaxi and traca set WingX apart from its EFB competitors. As an added bonus, certified flight instructors are eligible for a free full version of WingX, an advanced IFR subscription and a Synthetic Vision subscription.
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