You did everything right, those are the steps I take when deprotecting as well. First pass with xdep, then the rest of the tools. And then I spend an hour doing manual cleanup for things that they missed.But if you want to restore GUI triggers, sorry. You can see from previous comments on my blog ( that restoring those are considered impossible by everyone I know.
On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 5:15 PM, lyricepicdrama wrote:I used already xdep mpq recover mpq master + sth else but it is a shit. I need clean un map.Also what to do to map load, faster? You have such knowledge? It's about the option triggers GUI with file (preload preload batch file begin preloading) or custom script in jass or sth else? I'm already using wc3map optimazer and widgetizer and have about 60 sec (good cpu) load time. I know that there are also games like dota or hvsa new ver (955) which are large and load quickly.
Warcraft 3 Dota Map Hack S
i have a question mr. 3ICE about a cheated map, i open the map but i cant see the codes inside the warmap.j i cant find the activator inside it and even the codes for the cheat/hack ill give you the link this is the map and the codes 2ff7e9595c